Topics to cover within Wilson
About Woodrow Wilson
The factors influencing Wilson's Views
- efficiency concern & Taylor's works
- Comparitive Analysis
- Spoils System in US
- Relation between Politics & Admn
- A science of Admn
- Politics-Admn Dichotomy
- 3e's as objective
- Comparitive Admn
- Public opinion as control
- Business like Admn
Impact and Relevance
The current status of Politics-Admn dichotomy
Related questions :
Q - Whether Politics Admn dichotomy was a naive concept . Examine
Q - The Politics-Admn-Dichotomy stands rejected . Critically Examine .
Q - Politics and Admn have reciprocal relation . Explain .
Q - The field of Admn is field of business . Comment
About Woodrow Wilson / Context of Wilson's View
Woodrow Wilson is considered founding father of PA. He wrote his seminal essay "The Study of Admn" which was published in 1887 in a political science journal in which he forcefully argued for need for a separate discipline on the basis of Poltics-Admn-Dichotomy concept which ultimately became the beginning point for sepeare discipline of PA .
Woodrow Wilson was an Administrator , Academecian , Policical Scientist , Leader and Founding Father of discipline of PA . At very young age of 29-30 , he wrote his seminal essay "The Study of Admn" which became a blueprint for emergence of discipline of P.A .
His views were influenced by following factors :
- Concerns for efficiency and works of Taylor on efficiency .
- Comparitive analysis of Administration : He has open mind and try to learn fron best practices .